VX-1 Plaque
A beautifully carved 14 inch solid wood plaque of the VX-1! Collect all your squadrons with truly artistic craftsmanship of the Navy’s finest symbols.
The use of naval aviation insignia is a modern form of heraldry that dates back to the early period of naval aviation in the 1920’s and captures many proud moments of its history. The practice fosters a sense of pride, unit cohesion and contributes to high morale, esprit de corps and professionalism within the community. It also serves as an effective means of preserving a command’s tradition, continuity of purpose and recognition, as traced through its lineage. The following rules are provided to ensure that all command insignia and slogans are in keeping with the highest traditions of the proud naval aviation heritage.
Their mission is to conduct tests, evaluations, and investigations of airborne antisubmarine warfare systems, airborne early warning weapon systems, armed helicopter weapon systems, airborne counter mine weapon systems, airborne strategic weapon systems, support systems, equipment, and materials in an operational environment. Additionally, tactics for use of these weapon systems are developed by VX-1 to serve as a foundation for initial employment by the Fleet. Because of the squadron’s unique position as an interfacing unit between the development of new weapon systems and their subsequent introduction into the Fleet, VX-1 is considered the squadron that “does it first.”
A variety of operational aircraft are assigned to VX-1 including the P-3C Orion, E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, P-8A Poseidon, MH-60R & MH-60S Seahawk, and MQ-8B Firescout. Additionally, VX-1 provides test and evaluation support for such diverse programs as the EP-3 Aires, E-6B Mercury, KC-130J Hercules, E-2C Hawkeye, MQ-4C Triton, RQ-21A Small Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (STUAS), Navy Tactical/Mobile (TacMobile), Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), and a host of Airborne Mine Countermeasures (AMCM) systems.
As Naval Aviation operations change to meet evolving threats, so too does the nature of projects assigned for evaluation. At any one time, the squadron is engaged in over 30 projects involving weapons system evaluations, investigations, and tactics development.