VS-32 Maulers 1970s Plaque
Show your aviation lineage with the legendary VS-32 Maulers on a 14 inch solid wood plaque. Each plaque is meticulously hand carved and painted to show honor the members of VS-32.
The use of naval aviation insignia is a modern form of heraldry that dates back to the early period of naval aviation in the 1920’s and captures many proud moments of its history. The practice fosters a sense of pride, unit cohesion and contributes to high morale, esprit de corps and professionalism within the community. It also serves as an effective means of preserving a command’s tradition, continuity of purpose and recognition, as traced through its lineage. The following rules are provided to ensure that all command insignia and slogans are in keeping with the highest traditions of the proud naval aviation heritage.
VS-32, Sea Control Squadron 32, known as the Maulers was commissioned as Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 32 (VS-32) in April 1950. The squadron initially flew the Grumman TBM-3E/-3W Avenger and was based at Naval Air Station Norfolk, Virginia. In 1951 the squadron moved to Naval Air Station Quonset Point, Rhode Island. VS-32 transitioned to the Grumman S2F-1 Tracker in 1954. The VS community moved in October 1973 to the homeport located at Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Florida. Since the closing of NAS Cecil Field, the East coast VS Squadrons have moved to Naval Air Station Jacksonville in 1999. They were disestablished on 25 September 2008.
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