Home » Patches » VQ-2 Sandeman, A-3 Skywarrior Whale Patch, 4 inch, Sew On

VQ-2 Sandeman, A-3 Skywarrior Whale Patch, 4 inch, Sew On


Aviators! Are you looking for a high-quality patch you’ll proudly wear or display? Look no further than the VQ-2 Sandeman Navy Patch!

  • 4 inch
  • Embroidered/ Sew on
  • US Naval Aviator Owned Business
  • Reproduction

50 in stock


VQ-2 Sandeman, A-3 Skywarrior Whale Patch

Aviators! Are you looking for a high-quality patch you’ll proudly wear or display? Look no further than the VQ-2 Sandeman, A-3 Skywarrior Whale Patch!

  • 4 inch
  • Embroidered/ Sew on
  • US Naval Aviator Owned Business
  • Reproduction

VQ-2 was commissioned on 1 September 1955 as Electronic Countermeasures Squadron TWO (ECMRON TWO), originally home ported at the NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco. In January 1960, the squadron transferred to its present homeport, NS Rota, Spain and was renamed Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron TWO (VQ-2).

Over the years the squadron has flown the P4M-1Q, the EC-121M Super Constellation, the A3D-1Q and the EA-3B Sky warrior. In July 1971 the squadron took delivery of the first P-3 Orion based EP-3E ARIES aircraft. The ARIES were upgraded to ARIES II beginning in 1991. Today ‘s P-3E’s are Sensor System Improvement Program version 3.2.

Since establishment, VQ-2 has collected intelligence on areas and units of naval and national interest in Mediterranean, Atlantic, Caribbean, and Middle Eastern Theatres. VQ-2/Naval Support Group Activity plays an integral role in the War on Terrorism, combat action, crisis operations and peacetime intelligence collection.

Since 2001, has flown in Operations Southern Watch, Northern Watch, Mountain Lion, Mountain Sweep, Joint Guardian, Joint Force, Enduring Freedom and Dolphin Eagle. Most recently VQ-2 saw extensive overland combat action in Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM. VQ-2 flies from operational detachments to such places as NAS Souda Bay, Crete, Greece; NSA Bahrain, Oman; Curacao, Netherlands Antilles and Incirlik, Turkey.


An EA-3B Skywarrior aircraft prepares to land aboard the aircraft carrier USS KITTY HAWK (CV 63).

















By PH3 Hanselman, USN – U.S. DefenseImagery photo VIRIN: DN-SC-87-10653, Public Domain