557th Tactical Fighter Squadron Cam Ranh Bay AB Patch, 4 in, Hook and Loop
Pilots, Crew and Collectors, enjoy this beautifully embroidered 557th Tactical Fighter Squadron Cam Ranh Bay AB Patch. You’ll be able to display or wear this patch proudly.
- 4 inches
- Embroidered/Hook and Loop
- US Veteran-Owned Business
- Reproduction
557th Tactical Fighter Squadron Cam Ranh Bay AB Patch, 4 in, Sew/Iron-On
Pilots, Crew and Collectors, enjoy this beautifully embroidered 557th Tactical Fighter Squadron Cam Ranh Bay AB Patch. You’ll be able to display or wear this patch proudly.
- 4 inches
- Embroidered/Sew/Iron-on
- US Veteran-Owned Business
- Reproduction